Ikebukuro, Valentines Day. Afternoon, 1:15.
"It stinks. The louse is here."
Ikebukuro. Afternoon, 2:30.
"Shizuo take a day off." Tom-san says suddenly.
Why?! Because its Valentines Day. Don't tell me you forgot!"
"… Okay Tom-san, I got to go beat up the lou-"
"S-h-i-z-u - c-h-a-n!~"
Shizuo turns around, and is hit by a chocolate heart that snaps in half, as it impacts with Shizuo's head.
My Valentine Gift to you! Izaya said grinning, and darts away quickly.
"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I-Z-A-Y-A!!!!!!!!!! I'll kill you!!!!!"
Shizuo ran to catch up with Izaya who was jumping from one building to the next, like a black cat.
"….Here they go again." Tom-san said, scratching his head.
Ikebukuro. Afternoon, 3:45
"IZAYA!!! I caught you!!!"
Izaya was being dangled by his shirt collar, like a kitty caught by its mother.
"Shizu-chan… Why don't you let me go this time? Its Valentines Day after all."
"No way." Shizuo said, and dragged Izaya by his collar.
"…. Where are we going?"
"Your house, be prepared."
Ikebukuro. Afternoon, 4:00
"Uwah!" Izaya yelped as he was thrown onto his bed.
"Tch! Shizu-chan, weren't you going to kill me?"
"Heh! Like you always say, just killing you won't be any fun. So we'll have some fun. I'll do you until Valentine Day ends."
Ikebukuro. Afternoon, 6:00 (2 Hrs Later)
"Aaah! Shi….chan!… Hah!!….. N-No…more!…. I can't take any more!"
"I said until Valentines Day ends, did I not? I-z-a-y-a - k-u-n~"
Early celebration of Valentines!
There may be a Part 2, If you guys comment for it!
Story Inspired By This Picture |
By MIsa~